services from professional
Best CPA Services

CPA Service : Tax Planning
innovative tax planning and business coaching.
CPA Services from professionals ensures that businesses can formulate ways to reduce their tax bills without breaking the law. Often, many businesses and individuals end up sending more taxes to the IRS than they should. This ends up eating up on business profitability.
We all want to reduce our tax bill and leave more money for investments. Your business can achieve this by implementing proper tax planning.
CPA tax Planning services that are tailored to meet the business needs and realities can help enterprises adapt to all environments in which they operate, mitigate risks, respond quickly to change and beat the competition. With proper planning, your business should reduce its tax liabilities significantly. But tax planning is a complex, year-round process with so many moving blocks that only professionals can handle effectively.
Trust Account/Estate Planning
Business Grants
CPA Services: Corporate Accounting
Company Formation & More
Credit control to improve your cash flow, management accounts, Financial Reporting and Forecasting for Business plans. Services from professionals can help you achiever your goal.
Payroll & Auto Enrolment
Assistance and advice in the preparation of your Payroll (weekly, four weekly, monthly or quarterly). Production of payslips whether manually or electronically, ‘E’ filing of PAYE Returns (RTI) and payroll advice. Set up and prepare filing for Auto Enrolment Returns.
As a small business owner, you have a lot of things on your plate. Not to worry –our Services from professionals will take care of your books for you. With us, your financial records will be expertly and accurately organized.
Islamic Banking CPA Services
- Entry of market within North america
- The Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes launched – 1999.
- The entry of mortgage finance companies, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, into the Islamic mortgage finance market provided a huge source of liquidity into the market for Islamic mortgage finance products which was established in 2001.
- How Are Conventional and Islamic Banking Different?
- Islamic banks are bound to a higher moral ethical standard. Islamic banks may not make money through interest, they rely entirely on tangible assets, such as real estate and equity. They produce profit by charging ‘rent’ instead of interest to their respective clients.The earnings of the bank come from identifiable assets, not opaque combinations of derivatives, shorting/long contracts and securities.
- Halal Mortgage/Home Loan

What are the terms?
- Riba: This term literally means an increase or addition. Technically it denotes any increase or advantage obtained by the lender as a condition of the loan. Any risk- free or “guaranteed” rate of return on a loan or investment is riba. Riba, in all forms, is prohibited in Islam.
- Takaful: Islamic insurance
- Sukuk: financial products whose terms and structures comply with sharia, with the intention of creating returns similar to those of conventional fixed-income instruments like bonds.Unlike a conventional bond (secured or unsecured), which represents the debt obligation of the issuer, a sukuk technically represents an interest in an underlying funding arrangement structured according to sharia, entitling the holder to a proportionate share of the returns generated by such arrangement and, at a defined future date, the return of the capital.
- Gharar: uncertainty, risk, hazard and deceit. Example such as fish not yet caught, crops not yet harvested. gharar is “the sale of a thing which is not present at hand, or the sale of a thing whose aqibah (consequence) is not known, or a sale involving hazard in which one does not know whether it will come to be or not.
- Maysir: Gambling

Investing Advisory CPA services
- Halal Investing Options:
- What is Shariah Compliant Investing?
- Shariah-compliant funds are one of many categories found in socially responsible investing. Similar to other socially responsible funds within the environmental, social and governance (ESG) universe, the funds screen potential portfolio investments for specific requirements desired by followers of the Islamic religion.
- Mutual Funds, ETFs
- Crypto Currency & NFTs
- What is Shariah Compliant Investing?
- Halal Screening Tools:
- Zoya, Islamicly,
- Click Here To Know More
- Fatwas – Fatwas relating to financial matters
- AAOIFI – Click to Know More
Savings Accounts, IRA & 401K
Self- directed IRA
Is a type of traditional or Roth IRA, which means it allows you to save for retirement on a tax-advantaged basis and has the same IRA contribution limits. The difference between self-directed and other IRAs is solely the types of assets you own in the account. Example : real estate or a privately held company.
Real Estate Investing
Halal REITs
Student Loans CPA Service
- The United States holds the record for the highest average student loan debt. In June 2010, the amount of student loan debt held by Americans exceeded the amount of credit card debt held by Americans. Americans owe nearly $1.75 trillion in student loan debt, spread out among about 48 million borrowers in federal and private student loan debt as of August 2022, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Most borrowers have between $25,000 and $50,000 outstanding in student loan debt. 60% of non-homeowning millennials say student loan debt is delaying their ability to buy a home, by far the most affected population, according to a new poll released today by the National Association of Realtors®.
- Will help preparations of the appropriate documentation in order to qualify for student loan help or reduction
- Islamic wills
- In the Qur’an, Allah directed Muslims to make a will
- Al-Wasiyya is the term given for an Islamic will which is an important requirement for all Muslims that have assets
- “It has been ordained upon you, when death is near one of you, leaving wealth behind, to make a will in favor of parents and close relatives, impartially. This is incumbent upon the pious” (2:180).
- Different from other available wills, an Islamic will predetermines who is eligible for inheriting your assets. These instructions given by Allah (SWT) can be found within the early verses of Surah an-Nisa (chapter four) within the Holy Qur’an.
- In Islam, where the inheritors of your assets are already predetermined, there is room for flexibility. Islamic wills are flexible as the individual is able to change who can inherit specific parts of their assets. In an Islamic will, there is a predetermined percentage of how much each eligible predetermined individual is allowed to inherit from you. This can be changed, however. An example of how it can be changed is by getting signed proof that an eligible inheritor is signing over their percentage to another rightly eligible inheritor. In an Islamic will, the assets which you have left should first be used to pay off funeral expenses, outstanding debts, and any other remaining payments you may have. After all previous obligations are taken care of, your remaining assets will then be distributed amongst rightful inheritors.
- Steps
- Family Tree
- Your debts
- Your bequests
- Executars/Guardians
- In the Qur’an, Allah directed Muslims to make a will
- The United States holds the record for the highest average student loan debt. In June 2010, the amount of student loan debt held by Americans exceeded the amount of credit card debt held by Americans. Americans owe nearly $1.75 trillion in student loan debt, spread out among about 48 million borrowers in federal and private student loan debt as of August 2022, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Most borrowers have between $25,000 and $50,000 outstanding in student loan debt. 60% of non-homeowning millennials say student loan debt is delaying their ability to buy a home, by far the most affected population, according to a new poll released today by the National Association of Realtors®.
- CPA Services from professionals will help preparations of the appropriate documentation in order to qualify for student loan help or reduction
We will discuss different pathways to reduce or eliminate your student loan debt through varies consolidation methods , debt relief programs and grant opportunities.